Be Your Best

We pride ourselves on our caring and compassionate ethos, which enables our students to grow in a supportive atmosphere conducive to their development. Where students need additional support, we will look to meet their needs through our highly effective pastoral system.

The school has a thriving extra-curricular programme with many opportunities for students to grow their talents. In the sporting arena, the school has a wide range of very successful teams and have regular student productions, dance shows and exhibitions.

Ultimately, we aspire for our students to develop their academic and life skills, so that they become confident, well-rounded and contented individuals and are equipped and ready to be successful for the world of work and the challenges of the 21st Century.

Admission Policy

Parents and Carers seeking admission for their children should firstly complete an In Year Casual Admission Form (IYCAF) below. Once we have received the completed application form we will be in contact with you with further details.

Oversubscription Criteria

  1. Looked After Children
    Looked After Children and all children who have been previously looked after, but following being looked after became subject to an adoption order, child arrangement order or special guardianship order (in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation by the authority for a continuous period of more than 24 hours), or children who appear to the Admission Authority to have been in state care outside of England but ceased to be so as a result of being adopted only.*

*A child is regarded as having been in state care outside of England if they were in the care of or were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation, or any other provider of care whose sole or main purpose is to benefit society”.

  1. Children who, at the time of the admission, have a sibling who attends the Academy
    (Goodwin Academy).
    For this purpose, “sibling” means a whole, half or step-sister or brother, or an adopted child resident at the same address. The Academy will also include in this criterion children whose parents are married or cohabiting and live together within the same household. In the case of multiple births or siblings in the same year group, where there is only one place available in the Academy, the other child/children will be offered place above PAN.
  2. Children of staff employed by the Academy
    Following the criteria above, priority will be given to the child of a person (1) who has been employed at the Academy for two or more years at the time the application was made and/or(2) where the person was employed by the Academy to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
  3. Child’s health reasons
    Written medical evidence from a General Practitioner or hospital consultant must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires the child to attend Goodwin Academy.
  4. Any other children
    In the event of the school being oversubscribed, priority will be given within each criterion based on distance from the school, with those closest being given higher priority. We will use the distance between the child’s permanent home address and the school, measured in a straigh tline using the National Land and Property Gazetteer(NLPG) address point data. Distances are measured from a point defined as within the child’s home as determined by KCC to a point defined as within the school, as specified by NLPG. The same address point on the school site is used for everybody. In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place.


In-Year Admissions Applications

This includes admissions arrangements for any transfers to any year up to and including Year 11, which do not fall within the initial Year 7 September admission.

  • Parents/carers resident in Kent will be able to apply for a school place by using the form on line or by using a standard paper form known as the In-year Common Application Form (IYCAF), which is available from the Local Authority or the Academy Office.
  • Students are accepted from all parts of Deal and the surrounding area/villages.
  • The Academy does not ask for additional information on a supplementary information form.
  • The Local Governing Body/Sponsor has the right to refuse the admission of children who have been permanently excluded from two or more schools.

Post 16 Admissions

All applications are to be made via the Kentchoices4U website. Both internal and external applicants will have to have met the minimum academic requirements to gain entry to the Sixth Form.

Students wishing to study:

  • Level 3 subjects must gain a minimum of 5 x A*-C grades/Grade 9-5 at GCSE

(for entry onto A/S and A level programmes this will derive from individual subjects)

Goodwin Academy works with Kent County Council in accordance with their in-year fair access policy.

For all enquiries regarding admissions please contact:

Mrs A Bridges

Tel: 03333 602 210

Or alternatively you can email:

Please link to the Kent Admissions for details of admission arrangements through the local authority.