As the GCSE exam period approaches, we know the importance that confidence and preparation can have in helping you to feel well equipped and motivated for your exams.
The aim of this dedicated Year 11 page is to provide guidance and support for you and your parents/carers to ensure you have all the tools necessary to ‘be the best you can be’.
Time spent completing meaningful revision is vital but so too is time spent socialising with friends and family and relaxing.
Here is a suggested study timetable that you can use to plan your revision and relaxation time. Revision Timetable
To avoid unnecessary stress and last minute cramming, it is advisable to revise little and often. An hour per night is far better than 5 hours at the weekend. If you are feeling stressed have a look at the suggestions for managing and alleviating that stress. How can I manage my stress?
Often students say they don’t know how to revise. Advice and guidance from ‘The Learning scientists’ suggests these evidence informed ways to revising subject content:
You can view each of the approaches here:
Knowing how to spend your time revising is often one of the main challenges. To help, we also suggest using a Revision Strategy like this one designed by Amy Thompson of Bishop Young Church of England Academy, which makes the time you spend revising useful, active and meaningful.
If you are not clear about how to revise, the following suggested techniques may also be useful: I don’t know how to revise!
Many of our subjects are offering intervention and revision sessions and these will continue through the exam period. We have also designed a bespoke revision plan to ensure students are maximising their revision prior to each exam.
GCSEpod is an online learning platform that we have purchased for our GCSE students and is designed to be used independently without the need for teachers to set work.